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Re: car value question

To: <mbarre@juno.com>, <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: car value question
From: "Gregory Dito" <g.dito@worldnet.att.net>
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 01:55:42 -0500

RED ALERT, WARNING! : I am not an appraiser, never was and don't plan to be!

With that being said I would think it's simply a question of what the market
is willing to bear.  Rarely do concours quality TR6s bring anywhere near what
was put into them unless almost all of the work was done by the owner.  I wish
I had a spare $20,000 (yea, I know, don't we all!) to buy one of many drop
dead gorgeous concours quality TR3s that would cost at least $35,000 to

There are a number of collector car valuation publications that will provide
ballpark value based on condition, ranked I believe by ratings of 1 through 5.
The number 1 being high point showcar and 5 being a basket case.  I do not
have one of these publications so cannot tell you what a TR6 is valued at.
I'd say, though, that your TR sounds like a strong 4 based on your
description, but may be a weak 4.

Looking in eBay, unless its a fresh first class frame off restoration with
near zero miles, it appears that around $10,000 can get you a nice car.  It
may be as low as $8000 and as high as $12,000 but most clean nice TR6s sell in
this range.  Few do go higher, on up to $20,000, but at that price you're in
some rarefied air.  Even though a professional frame off body and mechanical
restoration can cost $30,000+, depending especially on needed sheetmetal work,
I think we all know that no one will be able to recoup that "investment" (a
gross misnomer) in a resale.

Check eBay.  For recent examples:
gory=6469 or

The first owner wanted $21,400 but highest bid was $14,700.    The second TR6
went as high as $19,200 but did not meet the reserve.  In both cases the
winning bids were more in line with the market than the reserves since, well,
it is the market!

I would probably price the car in the $16,000 range if I was not in a rush to
sell it, giving myself some negotiating room and seeing if I get a bite.
Realistically though, it's probably in the $12K to 14K range if the car is
still very clean.  Any appearance of being driven (worn carpets, worn tires,
grimey switch knobs and steering wheel, dirty engine compartment, chipped
paint, dirty chassis/suspension, rust anywhere, etc) and the price goes down

I'd probably take a shot on eBay first before letting someone else make a tidy
profit, placing a "Buy It Now" price at the price I really would be happy
with.  It only takes a week so why not?

Good luck!

Chapel Hill, NC

----- Original Message -----
From: <mbarre@juno.com>
To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 6:57 PM
Subject: car value question

> I am headed to Alaska for a few years and decided to put my 71 TR-6 up on
the block to see what offers I could get vice storing it.  I am not getting
out of the Triumph hobby as I will be keeping my 8 and TR3A project that I
will leave with a good body man to work on.
> Anyway, the only serious guy I have heard from so far is a guy in Atlanta
who reports to have flipped 20 + Triumphs in the last 10 months.  I am not
against someone making a few hundred $$ off the car if he has the connections,
dealsmanship, and ability to buff it up to make a sale, but I don't want to
give it away either.
> What would be a reasonable value on a 71 with a 10K TRF rebuilt motor,
virtually new Panasports w/ redlines, good interior, good mechanical, J type
overdrive, dual webers?  It is black exterior, black interior.  It was 3rd
place peoples choice at 2 VTR national meets - Savannah and Ashville.  I
completed a body off in the late 80's and have only put 25K miles at most on
> The car is in Mobile, AL.
> Thanks,
> Matt Barre
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