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Re: car value question

To: mbarre@juno.com, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: car value question
From: Charlie Shaw <charlie.shaw@acsalaska.net>
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 07:45:25 -0900
At 11:57 PM 3/28/2003 +0000, mbarre@juno.com wrote:
>I am headed to Alaska for a few years and decided to put my 71 TR-6 up on 
>the block to see what offers I could get vice storing it.  I am not 
>getting out of the Triumph hobby as I will be keeping my 8 and TR3A 
>project that I will leave with a good body man to work on.
>Matt Barre

Bring it with you. I assure sure driving at midnight with the top down and 
shades on to reduce the glare is something you do not wish to miss. Take it 
from me, I have done it and intend to do it again this summer.

Charlie Shaw
75 TR6
Anchorage, Alaska

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