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RE: Cool air intake for carbs.

To: william.mcintire@wright.edu
Subject: RE: Cool air intake for carbs.
From: william.mcintire@wright.edu
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2002 10:22:18 -0500
Back around 1971 or 2 I thought cooler air for the carbs might be nice being 
as how I was attempting to get the 6 to go faster.

I whacked the front end of the factory air cleaner out to get a bigger hole 
and pop riveted a coffee can (Folgers if you must know) over the hole and 
aimed forward. Used clothes dryer vent hose to connect to a dryer vent elbow 
installed in the high tech factory cardboard ducting air to the radiator. Put 
hardware cloth over the opening to filter out the big hunks (and mice) and 
used the stock filter elements for the residual.

By today's standards this is totally bush league, but this was 30 years ago 
and Triumphs were just cars then and the primary objective was to blow 240Z's 
in the weeds. Bottom line is - it did and does work and it cost maybe 4 bucks. 
If you're curious about cold air benefits, something similar would be a cheap 
'try it and see'

'70  6  32 years under one roof

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