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Re: Zenith Stromberg Carb Question

To: jdhenn@cfl.rr.com (James Henningsen)
Subject: Re: Zenith Stromberg Carb Question
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 23:30:49 -0800 (PST)
Jim---It does indeed seem like your mixture is too lean, but not
necessarily because the needle is too low in the air piston. First be
sure all air entry ports are not trying to pull in outside air (vacuum
leaks). If your engine is stock, and the ignition timing is set
properly, you should see 18 inches or better on a vacuum gauge, in your
case some choke may be necessary. If this looks good, then you can
enrichen the air/fuel mix with the adjusting tool.  
The Allen wrench should drop down inside of the adjustment screw, as you
know. The outside shell on this tool holds the air piston from turning.
Screwing the Allen wrench full clockwise will bottom out the needle,
giving the richest possible mixture. Most engines are happy running when
this adjustment still has one full turn from 'full rich'. If you find
that all of your adjustment is used up and you still experience the need
to use CHOKE on a warm engine, there must be unmetered air entering.

If there's any doubt that this new tool is turning the needle
adjustment, it's easy enough to take off the top of the carb and watch
the needle movement as you turn the adjustment screw. Note that if
somehow the adj. was leaned out too far, (c.c.) the adj. screw will
become detached. Upward pressure on the needle will then be necessary,
as you turn to re-engage the theads.

Dick T.

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