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RE: Restoration paint job

To: pjgraffam@juno.com ("Paula J. Graffam"), 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Restoration paint job
From: tr6me@cs.com
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 14:56:16 -0500
 thats not to outragous, I had a 76 totally da sanded and replaced all 4 
corners and a base coat clear coat paint job and under coat for aboyr 7 
thousand. it took about three months and the job was done well.

Mark Johnson
"Paula J. Graffam" <pjgraffam@juno.com> wrote:

>Hi listers,
>I just returned from a custom paint garage with a quote of $7500 for a
>complete restoration paint job with all the bells and whistles - lifetime
>guarantee, etc.  Has anyone ever put that kind of money into their TR6
>for a primo paint job?  Estimate wait time is anywhere from 6mos. to a
>Al Graffam  74 TR6  CF16017
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