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Re: Miata Racing - Futile Attempt?

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Miata Racing - Futile Attempt?
From: Brian Borgstede <borgstede@umsl.edu>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 11:57:04 -0600
Is there any way that you can make a movie of the race and post it for us???
No matter what happens, I would like to see!

Brian Borgstede                               !
Distance Learning Engineer         !
University of Missouri - St. Louis  !  '68 Triumph TR-250
Phone: (314)516-6433                  !  (or two or more)
Fax: (314)516-5294                       !
Email: borgstede@umsl.edu      !

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