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Re: Door Lock Installation - HELP!!!

To: chad.jester@ae.ge.com (Jester, Chad (GEAE))
Subject: Re: Door Lock Installation - HELP!!!
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 14:49:32 -0700 (PDT)
Chad---There are at least two manufacturers of replacement door locks.
(I'm looking now at one each) On one that has the twin "V" points it
looks like they only give you about .010 for (door) sheet metal
thickness for the spring clip to open. The other gives  you about .060,
and has a single point. This one should be enough, even with the gasket
suppied. If you have the V point kind, it might be necessary to pry them
open enough to grind in some clearance, pain that this might be.

Dick T.

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