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RE: rules rant no replies

To: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>, 'Tony Drews'
Subject: RE: rules rant no replies
From: Ron Soave <>
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2007 11:48:44 -0700 (PDT)
--- "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
> un-named first said it was a cost and reliability
> factor. Now, it's a go
> faster factor. Can't ride both sides of that fence,
> can ya

Now, now - that would be me. I'm not giving it nearly
as much thought as you might think (in fact, it's
pretty much only when we call or email about it). I'm
having fun, and from what I saw at Blackhawk, so were
a lot of others in the club. I'm glad there's Mod 1
for my 1275. There's 2E for your car when the bonnet
and carbs are per the club rules for that group. If
someone in that class is beyond the rules, you should
complain. Your original message that there should be
an incentive for going era correct is a good one. As
you said, we are good friends and I know you (each of
your personalities, for that matter) and I know your
intent here is to emphasize the original message,
which was a good one. Try to keep on topic, though.

Ron Soave
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