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RE: [Shotimes] Nitrogen-filled tires

To: "'Ian Fisher'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: [Shotimes] Nitrogen-filled tires
From: "Ron Porter" <>
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 21:37:38 -0400
The proof that it's a waste in most situations has to do with it's benefits.
A Google search will probably tell you what you want.

Nitrogen is more stable, and not given to fluctuations. IIRC, it's also a
bigger molecule, so it doesn't leak as easily.

For race cars, it will keep the pressure more consistent. For clueless
"car-as-appliance" folks who never check their own air, it will tend to keep
the tires closer to a good pressure, giving them better mileage and less
tire wear.

The only benefit for less wear and better mileage is to keep the tires at a
better pressure for a longer period of time. If you check your tires every
few weeks, or even once a month, you would see no benefit.

Ron Porter

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Ian Fisher
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 8:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Shotimes] Nitrogen-filled tires

Does anyone have any proof that its a waste (or know the actual benefits?)
or are we just taking a stab in the dark here? Sure, air in my tires has
worked for as long as I've been driving but that doesn't mean that nitrogen
wouldn't work better wrt heat/wear/mileage/gas mileage, etc

"D. Mallinson" <> wrote: What Ron said..... it is a waste
for street cars, or even track day 
cars.  A pro driver in a pro race circuit maybe.  Otherwise, use plain 
old air. 

Don Mallinson

Ron Porter wrote:

>Besides the marketing angle to make a few $$$, the only possible benefit
>for clueless folks who never check their tire air (I can think of a few
>family members as I write this). They have a better chance of keeping a
>consistent tire pressure over the 6-12 months before the tires get checked
>again (most likely at oil change time).
>For the rest of us who check tires more regularly, it's a waste.
>Planes and race tires are the useful applications for it that I can see.
>Ron Porter
>I know we talked about this on the list a while back.
>"Skeptics will question how much can be gained by filling tires with pure
>nitrogen when the air we breathe is 78 percent nitrogen."
>Being a skeptic (and an engineer) I will and do question this.  Correct me
>if I'm wrong, but when a tire is mounted on a rim, doesn't "regular air"
>trapped inside????  Even if pure Nitrogen is used to "pop" the tire bead
>onto the rim there's still "regular air" inside that will be mixed with the
>Nitrogen.  Soooo, you don't end up with a tire filled with 100% Nitrogen.
>The only way to ensure 100% Nitrogen inside the tire is if the tire
>machine were inside a sealed room filled with Nitrogen and the installer
>to wear an Oxygen mask.  Is that what the tire dealer purchases for $3,000
>to $12,000 dollars? What am I missing here?
>What if it's Sunday night and my tire(s) are a few psi low?  If the local
>Gas 'n Sip doesn't have Nitrogen, then what good is having Nitrogen in my
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