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RE: distance to events

To: "Stacey" <>, "Dennis Hale" <>
Subject: RE: distance to events
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 09:54:51 -0800
Stacey writes...

>I am not sure, but I think at least part of what he was implying is >that over 
>there (Oakland and San Jose and all parts around) is 
>considered "The City" to us "country boys".  Everything is busy and >cramped, 
>or so it seems. 

You're right, I was feeling a bit sensitive. Sorry, Dennis. I had just come 
back from trying to find the Round Table Pizza in Menlo Park, with no success.

That is one crazy area, at least to people used to being able to walk 
everywhere. You drive and drive, and then sit at a traffic light for five 
minutes, and drive and drive, and on every block, there's a Round Table Pizza, 
just NOT THE RIGHT ONE. I drove right by it, and didn't even know it.


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