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Re: I need to change careers

Subject: Re: I need to change careers
From: "Jeremy Rine" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 16:52:10
As far as education I graduated High school then started going to a junior 
collage because.  I quit that because they didn't offer any courses in 
anything of interest to me so I quit and got a job.  I work at a movie 
theater for two years working up to Assistant Manager then quit because 
living costs were greater then the pay check.  Now I'm working at the law 
office where I'm basically a paralegal/office manager without the official 
school education.  Everything I know, I know from doing.

Everything I know about cars, I know from doing to my car or how-to articles 
in magazines and books.  I talked with a mechanic friend and he said I would 
probably do better as a parts manager in a dealership then a service 

The areas that interest me most are talking about upgrade ideas for 
autocrossing and suspensions.  I figured that there are more jobs in 
suspension work then there are in part recommendations but know next to 
nothing about operating alignment equipment.


----Original Message Follows----
From: "Rob Weinstock" <>
Subject: Re: I need to change careers
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 09:44:36 +0100

Not really possible to suggest courses of action without knowing your 
education and work background, and what areas are of interest to you. You 
might like servicing cars, or designing cars, but hate selling them, for 


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