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RE: I need to change careers

Subject: RE: I need to change careers
From: J C <>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 11:09:38 -0800 (PST)
--- "Kelly, Katie" <> wrote:
> Personal anecdote: my educational background is in
> theater and English, NOT technical writing, which is
> what I do now. <snip>

<hehe> It's funny how things work out. I went to
Berklee College of Music and now I'm a software
engineer. Huh???? I haven't quite figured that one out
yet. Actually the thought process and creativity of
writing or arranging music is similar to writing
software. In fact, all of the sports and activities I
enjoy (music, software, autocross, bicycle racing,
downhill skiing) all share similarities. They all
require analysis, strategy (or strategerizing <hehe>),
practice, and perfect harmonious exectution!!! With
each activity I get really wound up but there's always
a payoff which I love!!!

Jeremy, hats off to you for chasing what's going to
make you happy. Too many people never figure it out or
if they do, they don't have enough guts to make a
change. Good luck! Joe
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