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RE: Accents

To: "Michael R. Clements" <>,
Subject: RE: Accents
From: craig boyle <>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 16:09:42 -0800 (PST)
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Darren Madams

> generally pinpoint the county, if not the city of
> true English people.

Most definitely each city has a different accent in
the UK and England specifically. In Bay Area terms,
that would mean SF, Oakland and San Jose would all
sound radically different. 

> smaller lower-class communties accents are so strong
> they're even their
> own language (Cornish for example, which my
> Grandfather speaks and I
> attempted to learn a few years ago).

That's different. Some areas have accents, e.g. North
London vs South London, other areas have dialects -
i.e. they are using different words and grammar.
Celtic areas have different languages, but Cornish has
to be all but dead. Many of my Welsh relatives speak
Welsh as a first language and have rough English -
i.e. can't read/write and 300 word vocabs.  People
from Cornwall usually don't think of themselves as

By far the most fun is cockney rhyming slang. Fully
incomprehensible until you start to decipher it all. 

What makes me laugh (this is the autox content), is to
hear a SOuth American race car driver speak with a
strong regional accent, picked up from his mechanics. 
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