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Total 118 documents matching your query.

1. [TR] Cleaning Stainless Steel (score: 295)
Author: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2011 07:56:22 -0500 (CDT)
I would start with the cleaning as Dave suggests. But I would probably test which grade w/d to start with on a hidden spot. 1000 grit or even higher might do the job with less abrasiveness. Real fine
/html/triumphs/2011-06/msg00668.html (9,614 bytes)

2. [TR] Tire and Wheel Recommendation for 1961 TR3A (score: 287)
Author: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2011 13:32:17 -0600 (CST)
I personally like the look of the minilite style (bolt or knock-off) by K&N available from Moss & TRF (about $200 each for the bolt-on). TRF (listed for TR6) no longer has the nuts for them - so Moss
/html/triumphs/2011-01/msg00362.html (10,112 bytes)

3. [TR] Hub races are parallel? (score: 287)
Author: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 11:17:03 -0600 (CST)
Good to know. thanks Bill. Cosmo, I went through much the same trying to figure out if my wobble problem was the wire wheels, the hubs, the rotors or the spindle/race assembly. You can get a clamping
/html/triumphs/2011-01/msg00499.html (10,768 bytes)

4. [TR] F.T. (score: 287)
Author: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 14:33:44 -0600 (CST)
Thank you Tom - I am sure that I am not alone in my admiration of Fred. 20 years ago when I was first getting back into the TR he was one of the first to offer guidance (and condolences). He shared h
/html/triumphs/2011-02/msg00375.html (9,759 bytes)

5. [TR] Luggage Rack - Chrome or Stainless Steel (score: 287)
Author: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 13:26:41 -0600 (CST)
LOL 12 responses - 3 for SS; 3 for Chrome; 3 for either; 3 for neither (detracts from the looks of the car). Anyone want to be the tie breaker. General consensus Chrome looks better - bright chrome l
/html/triumphs/2011-02/msg00467.html (10,133 bytes)

6. [TR] Luggage Rack - Chrome or Stainless Steel (score: 287)
Author: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 14:23:19 -0600 (CST)
Gotta Luv it. I have had 10 more responses. 4 for SS; 4 for Chrome; 2 Neither but one said if "had to choose =SS". I also had one response that pointed out that with a bit of effort the stainless can
/html/triumphs/2011-02/msg00508.html (9,624 bytes)

7. [TR] What Is It? (score: 287)
Author: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2011 11:57:11 -0500 (CDT)
It is an Alvis TB 14 ca. 1950. See: Carl Any BAT ( readers out there? What is this car? It looks like some well
/html/triumphs/2011-06/msg00612.html (9,071 bytes)

8. [TR] VIN stamping (score: 278)
Author: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 09:30:16 -0600 (CST)
Going through this process 'as we speak'. Had the FHP inspector out last Monday (he is booked solid - made reservation November 29). I had the registration from prior owner (NY - no title in NY); cop
/html/triumphs/2011-01/msg00629.html (9,008 bytes)

9. [TR] TR6 Third brake light (score: 278)
Author: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 10:45:20 -0600 (CST)
My Plan: The same could be built using LED aftermarket units. Magnet strip added to the bottom if not purchased that way The electric lead goes into the trunk and connects with brake wires. I am plan
/html/triumphs/2011-02/msg00530.html (9,316 bytes)

10. [TR] Hathaway/Hunter (score: 278)
Author: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 16:03:02 -0500 (CDT)
Appreciate the suggestion, Dave, but there's something about the Hathaway/Hunter shape that has always captured my attention. I figure there's got to be someone out there that knows of a kit that's b
/html/triumphs/2011-03/msg00629.html (7,915 bytes)

11. [TR] Fwd: Re: Re: FW: FW: advice - restoration frustration! Part 2 of 2. (score: 278)
Author: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 12:08:14 -0500 (CDT)
I just sent this as RTF - so it may not make it through the filters...... resending in plain text. sorry As I said in my earlier emails - I thought I had ordered all at the same time. what I thought
/html/triumphs/2011-05/msg00376.html (8,179 bytes)

12. [TR] Costs (score: 278)
Author: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 12:25:16 -0500 (CDT)
While I have been delayed on the project, I decided to empty the drawer and put all of my receipts and other notes into a spreadsheet. I was surprised at the outcome. So to gloat: I paid just over $4
/html/triumphs/2011-05/msg00377.html (8,790 bytes)

13. [TR] TR3A wiring questions (score: 278)
Author: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2011 09:47:36 -0500 (CDT)
Dave - just went through this myself. According to the parts catalog (don't ask me where I found it - it was buried) there is a metal bullet connector which fastens somewhere on the shock tower/horn
/html/triumphs/2011-06/msg00643.html (9,039 bytes)

14. [TR] TR3 Dash Vinyl Installation (score: 278)
Author: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 11:59:15 -0500 (CDT)
Ok - how does one stretch and/or notch the dash vinyl on the TR3 to fit the cubby box opening. Ruined the first attempt - it tore beyond the visible area. In my opinion there is no way that it can be
/html/triumphs/2011-06/msg00748.html (7,317 bytes)

15. [TR] TR3 Cockpit rear quarter rail (score: 166)
Author: cfmtr3a at (Carl TR)
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2011 08:27:55 -0500
Thanks Dave - I found one like this one - so will see if I either find the other or can duplicate it. Carl Carl, Here's a photo of the placement, these are originals and held in place by one recessed
/html/triumphs/2011-12/msg00643.html (12,359 bytes)

16. [TR] British Car Publication CDs (score: 157)
Author: cfmtr3a at (Carl TR)
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 08:56:09 -0400
Thought the list would find this of interest. I am still ticked that the old version don't work - $80 down the tube (for 2 of them) - and evidently no interest in offering 'upgrade' pricing. Guess I'
/html/triumphs/2011-06/msg01034.html (9,063 bytes)

17. [TR] TR3 Backup Light (score: 157)
Author: cfmtr3a at (Carl TR)
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 16:47:43 -0500
David - Haven't found an example of how it was mounted originally - even Piggott's books don't show the later cars with the B/U light. [see note below re: Jonmac] Alex Manzo made brackets and mounted
/html/triumphs/2011-12/msg00598.html (13,797 bytes)

18. [TR] FW: TR3 Reverse Lamp - revisited plus my plans for the week (score: 157)
Author: cfmtr3a at (Carl TR)
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2011 16:01:25 -0500
The ground clearance is about < less than the exhaust pipe bracket on the other side and about < more than the end of the exhaust pipe (without extension). But since I vaguely remember dragging the t
/html/triumphs/2011-12/msg00738.html (12,010 bytes)

19. [TR] Inquiring minds (score: 157)
Author: cfmtr3a at (Carl TR)
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 15:11:07 -0500
I looked at the Moss TR6 diagram - the o/d switch is on top in the middle. Could it be that one side is the seatbelt interlock and the other (driver's) side is reverse? Is this where the switch would
/html/triumphs/2012-01/msg00633.html (10,553 bytes)

20. [TR] Inquiring minds - reverse-o/d selector switches (score: 157)
Author: cfmtr3a at (Carl TR)
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2012 13:19:20 -0500
I guess I'll stick with my jerry-rigged reverse switch that works off the tail end of the reverse rail. tch-1.jpg Don't se
/html/triumphs/2012-01/msg00661.html (10,104 bytes)

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