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[TR] VIN stamping

Subject: [TR] VIN stamping
From: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 09:30:16 -0600 (CST)
Going through this process 'as we speak'.  Had the FHP inspector out last 
Monday (he is booked solid - made reservation November 29).   I had the 
registration from prior owner (NY - no title in NY); copy of the bill of sale; 
BMHTI build record; original beat up Commission Plate; re-stamped (courtesy of 
HF stamps) new plate.   New plate was attached by screws.
His comment - was change the screws to permanent attachment (rivets) and all is 
ok.  Wouldn't give me the proof I needed for getting title/registration - I'll 
need to reschedule when I have the plate re-attached.   Called yesterday and 
appts are now into mid-March.   
Interesting method of appts.  'we are booking the week of March 14 or later. 
(if that works) we will contact you the week prior to let you know which day 
and approximate time the inspector will be there'.    I guess they line all up 
and he clusters the calls by locale.
Argh.  Only if I had had the brass pop rivets.  10 minutes and all would have 
been done.
I tried searching the archives - does anyone have the contact info for the 
person who said they supply them?


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