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[TR] F.T.

Subject: [TR] F.T.
From: cfmtr3a at (cfmtr3a at
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 14:33:44 -0600 (CST)
Thank you Tom - 
I am sure that I am not alone in my admiration of Fred.  20 years ago when I 
was first getting back into the TR he was one of the first to offer guidance 
(and condolences).   

He shared his room with me at one of the SE regionals when the hotel overbooked 
and I was left out in the cold - well not the cold - this is Florida after all. 
Twelve years ago when I was driving a U-Haul back from NY after my acquisition 
of the stalled restoration that is almost now complete - we met up for a quick 
appraisal of the project.  It ended up that I stayed the night and spent 
several hours talking about it, his '3, Tbird and Model A.   
I most fervently wish him my best.  My thoughts and prayers are with him.  

Carl Musson
1961 TR3A - TS81802LO - rounding the final turn toward completion.
Tampa, Florida

Feb 14, 2011 07:28:22 PM, tfansher at wrote:

I guess I'd better wade in and offer some explanation of Fred's condition. 
I've been in touch with Debbie, his wife, and have permission to share some 
Fred is in the hospital where they are trying to stabilize his medications. 
He's diabetic, which has affected his thinking and reasoning and he has 
other health issues. There isn't an address for him at this point and he 
does not have computer access. She did say that his computer had crashed a 
few weeks ago and that he had gotten another but wasn't sure if he had 
gotten back online before the hospital stay.
I felt like I'd better say something to this list to which Fred was so great 
a part. I'm sure we all wish him the best and as full a recovery as 
I'll try to keep the list updated.

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