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References: [ +from:rmideke@interbase.com: 105 ]

Total 105 documents matching your query.

1. Re: winter storage (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 12:03:46 -0800
Well, if you live in an area where they salt the roads in winter, it's REALLY hard on the cars. I can see not wanting to expose you're favorite toy to that. Here on the central coast of california th
/html/spitfires/1999-12/msg00011.html (8,155 bytes)

2. Snug Top hardtops [was Re: winter storage] (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1999 13:01:29 -0800
I'm pretty sure that the attachment system mine has is not what snugtop intended. I don't have it here at my work, but I'll try to describe it from memory. I'm CC'ing the spit list in case someone c
/html/spitfires/1999-12/msg00142.html (8,421 bytes)

3. Re: Dangers of machine translations (now OFF topic) (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 14:56:41 -0800
Ah yes, the excellent sport of babelfishing. 1) Go to babelfish.altavista.com 2) Enter some text 3) Translate it to various languages and back to english Pauls Message -- sure external part is one he
/html/spitfires/1999-11/msg00107.html (9,115 bytes)

4. Re: Centre Dash Question (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 15:31:02 -0800
On a CA model, that's the catalyst warning. Maybe they just blanked it on the feds. -- Reed Mideke rmideke@interbase.com
/html/spitfires/1999-11/msg00112.html (6,989 bytes)

5. Re: Stereo question (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 11:06:58 -0800
If you have lots of money to burn (A spitfire owner ? HA!) You might want to check out the empeg: http://www2.empeg.com/main.html Store you're entire cd collection on a standard size car stereo, with
/html/spitfires/1999-11/msg00436.html (8,695 bytes)

6. Re: Spitfire Front Shocks (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 10:11:40 -0800
I have the Gabrial (I think) 'limited edition' on the rear of my spit, and IMHO, they suck. Less damping than the ~30 year old factory shocks. No direct expirience with Monroe, but they're in approxa
/html/spitfires/1999-11/msg00607.html (7,342 bytes)

7. Re: No LBC content, just a hypothetical e-mail question - (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 10:34:34 -0800
This is known as mail bombing, and unfortunately is not very effective. Most spammers forge their return addresses anyway. If they forge it to some valid address, you will mailbomb an innocent third
/html/spitfires/1999-11/msg00611.html (8,684 bytes)

8. Re: carb's & FI (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:44:57 -0800
Hmmm, people are talking about $2000 conversions of spit motors to FI. At that price point, unless you are in a racing class that leaves induction open but doesn't allow you to change engines, you mi
/html/spitfires/1999-11/msg00623.html (9,107 bytes)

9. Re: Haynes manual sold (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 11:22:56 -0800
I think my local autoparts store only charged me $17 to order a brand new copy. -- Reed Mideke rmideke@interbase.com
/html/spitfires/1999-11/msg00707.html (6,974 bytes)

10. Body seam sealer ? (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 12:55:00 -0800
Hello spitters, The 'hardend goop' on the seams of my spits tub has come off in a couple of places (crash damage from before I owned it), and I'm wondering what I should use to seal it back up. I'd l
/html/spitfires/1999-11/msg00802.html (7,037 bytes)

11. another headlight sw bites the dust. (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 11:38:22 -0700
hmpf. My second headlight rocker switch broke on Sat, in the exact same point as the previous one (One of the little teeth that holds the whole thing together). My conclusion is that the plastics use
/html/spitfires/1999-10/msg00103.html (7,095 bytes)

12. Re: Haynes Wiring Diagrams ("Control Unit"?) (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 14:42:39 -0700
Here in santa cruz, the cliffs on the west side have signs posted every few hundred feet "Cliff Edges are Dangerous". How the people who can't figure that out for themselves ever learned to read is a
/html/spitfires/1999-10/msg00112.html (8,577 bytes)

13. Re: A Suitable Punishment: Was Burned on the net (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 09:23:31 -0700
I'm with Joe on this. The only security we have is reputation. If someone on the list is ripping people off, it should be made known. Sometimes the mere mention of a problem on the list will cause th
/html/spitfires/1999-10/msg00516.html (8,830 bytes)

14. Re: Putting away the toy for the winter (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 13:17:09 -0700
Here's a solution to the dillema of which of these equally qualified volunteers will take care of your car... I'll personally drive it around to each one ;-) -- Reed Mideke rmideke@interbase.com
/html/spitfires/1999-10/msg00530.html (9,198 bytes)

15. Re: Tranny fluid (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 11:02:02 -0700
Hmm, my local parts store was happy to sell me a gallon of 90wt hypoid. What you want is the same stuff that goes in differentials and most manual trannies, >NOT< automatic tranny fluid. The stuff yo
/html/spitfires/1999-10/msg00660.html (7,836 bytes)

16. diff breather tip (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 11:59:06 -0700
Ok, I searched my archives, and here it is. I think James Carpenter author. Thanks James. BTW, my diff still leaks a little, but I don't smell gear oil burning off the exhaust pipe any more (and yes,
/html/spitfires/1999-10/msg00664.html (7,659 bytes)

17. Re: Is there a reason for so much anger? [long, OT and rambling] (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 13:27:03 -0700
I too am depressed to see the current 'usenetification' of the list. But on the other hand, this list has done extremely well as an anarchic self regulated forum. By comparison to many other forums,
/html/spitfires/1999-10/msg00679.html (8,467 bytes)

18. Re: Spring sag on one side (just a little longer -) (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:57:56 -0700
Well, I tried to jump into this discussion earlier, but some bureaucrat managed to loose our payment to internic. Ooops... I hope we didn't bounce-spam you all to badly while it was down. Anyway, hav
/html/spitfires/1999-09/msg00569.html (8,910 bytes)

19. It lives!!! (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:17:19 -0700
(another message composed on monday when our DNS was in limbo...) Those of you who are devoted to originality might want to skip this message. My spitfire 1600 DOHC project is now on the road. I pick
/html/spitfires/1999-09/msg00571.html (7,913 bytes)

20. Re: It lives!!! (score: 1)
Author: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:29:14 -0700
A couple of you have asked, so here's a brief description. I'll be putting the details (and some pictures) on a web site RSN. The 91 Sentra motor (known as a GA16DE) was converted to rear wheel drive
/html/spitfires/1999-09/msg00577.html (8,296 bytes)

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