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Re: Is there a reason for so much anger? [long, OT and rambling]

To: SPITFIRES <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Is there a reason for so much anger? [long, OT and rambling]
From: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 13:27:03 -0700
I too am depressed to see the current 'usenetification' of the
list. But on the other hand, this list has done extremely well
as an anarchic self regulated forum. By comparison to many 
other forums, it's still doing extremely well. 

So please people, if you're personally offended by someone
else's posting, or disagree with some non technical point,
please reply off list. If you disagree technically
with a post, reply on list, but keep it civil. The chances of
anyone even listening to your point of view if you patronize
or belittle them is very small. Even if you're right.

As for reporting rip-offs, IMHO this should be reserved for the most
extreme cases. If you think you got a bad deal, that's between
you and the person you dealt with. If someone took your money
and never gave you the agreed part (or you sent the part
and never got the money) AND you have made every reasonable
effort to contact them and work it out, then maybe it's time to let
the rest of us know.

Finally, a minor bit of netquitette that many of you may not have
thought about. When you reply to a message on list, there is not
much reason to reply to the sender of the message as well (unless
they are a digester or specifically requested). If someone posted
to a thread, they are most likely following it. If everyone just
does 'reply to all', then all the previous posters to the thread
get double copies of the message (which is annoying if you're on 
a dialup connection.)

Regards and best wishes to all.

"Have you worn your spit today ?"

"Arthur H. Smith" wrote:
> Message text written by "Kirby T. Kenyon"
> >a few angry threads<
> maybe we need an other list  like piss&moan@autox.team.net  eh.
Try alt.flame.flame.flame on the usenet ;-)
> the arthur

Reed Mideke                                        rmideke@interbase.com

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