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Re: TR6 or TVR overheating woes

To: me@jasonwgeorge.ca, vtr@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: TR6 or TVR overheating woes
From: "R. John Lye" <rjl6n@server1.mail.virginia.edu>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 07:05:01 -0400
In-reply-to: <61254.>
Reply-to: "R. John Lye" <rjl6n@server1.mail.virginia.edu>
Sender: owner-vtr@autox.team.net
At 08:12 AM 8/30/04 +0100, me@jasonwgeorge.ca wrote:

After tearing my hair out a friend suggested it is likely a massive air

Is this common with the TR6 engine? is it supposed to be this difficult to
fill? any comments on my setup? suggestions?
No, in my experience air locks aren't common with the TR engines;
at least, I haven't had problems that way.

My engine seems to have a water tap that has been plugged off on the
rear-passenger side of the engine.
Is it low on the block, or coming off the cylinder head?  The one
from the cylinder head would be the heater control valve, and the
one in the block would be the block drain valve.

Removing the plug I encounter pretty
solid gunk. Is it possible this tap was not drilled all the way through or
is it likely there's just a lot of packed sediment in there (even after
the block was cleaned)?
I would guess that its sediment - and is the probable cause of your
overheating problem.  Try digging at the stuff with a dental probe
or an ice pick or something of that sort to see if you can dislodge

Good luck,

John Lye

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