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Re: [Vintage-race] Power Loss

To: <>, <>,
Subject: Re: [Vintage-race] Power Loss
From: "Gerald Brazil" <>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 11:11:44 -0400
As long as this is getting into a "True Confessions", I have one more to

Back when I was racing a Vintage Vee I took the car out of the storage barn
in spring and did all the usual pre race prep. Went out to practice and
found during practice that oil temp was skyrocketing. I came in and started
checking things out. For those of you not familiar with Vintage Vees, they
have to use a fan and a shroud. Anyway, when I got to checking I found that
a rather extended family of mice had built a really luxurious townhouse in
my fan shroud. I demolished the home, the tenants having already fled (was
it my driving?), changed the oil and everything was fine.

I later cut two rectangular holes in the fan shroud and fitted them with
removable rubber plug (Spridget transmission tunnel) so I could pull the
plugs and see if the mice had decided to take up residence again. Those plug
always brought questions during tech. I told the inspectors that they were
Mouse House Inspection Ports.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Vintage-race] Power Loss

In a message dated 5/23/2007 7:56:27 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Has  anyone on the list experienced a dumb mistake like this, and can that
be  the cause of my diminishing performance lap after lap?  Over  the
winter, everything was refreshed on the car.  It had a new Lucas  coil,
which is now become a Bosch Blue.  The distributor is a  late-model Lucas
from a Formula Ford builder.

Does anyone have any  ideas what may have caused my slowly  decreasing

We once had a similar situation on a Mini Cooper race car. It would start
out fine and then after a lap or two would not pull past 6000 on any real
straight. At shorter tracks it seemed OK. We went through everything several

times, never finding anything conclusive, suspecting weak valve springs or
something like that.

That winter the engine came out for a complete freshening of course. Also I

decided it was time to redo the fuel cell.

Part of that included new hoses, etc. For some reason I blew through the
vent line hose and it seemed blocked. High pressure air dislodged a Mud
nest. We never had another problem with that car.

Since then I check vent lines before each race and occasionally find

Jack Woehrle _______________________________________________

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