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Re: [Vintage-race] Power Loss

To: "'Rich & Liz Stadther'" <>,
Subject: Re: [Vintage-race] Power Loss
From: "Gerald Brazil" <>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 22:16:39 -0400
I had a weird problem once that was coil related. Over the winter I did some
"up-grading" of electrical components on an engine which was running fine at
the end of the season. I put a top of the line Lucas Gold coil on it and an
MSD capacitive discharge ignition. It ran just great until you got to about
4500 rpm and then it just went acceleration...couldn't even get
to 5000. After a frustrating weekend I took it to my tuning guru. He
listened to my story and then put it on his scope. What he found was that
the combination of the hot coil and the MSD system was firing at around
80000 volts but for a very short time. So short that it didn't have time to
really propagate a good fire in the combustion chamber. He put in good
quality off the shelf Niehoff coil and the engine was strong to 7500.

Some times you can have too much of a good thing.

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