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Re: Vintage race cars built today

Subject: Re: Vintage race cars built today
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 15:08:19 EDT
Personally I see this whole argument as a case of elitism.  Naturally if 
you've got a Logbook you can raise your nose and sneer at the 
Johny-come-latelies without your particular pedigree.  Appears in every 
aspect of life from racing to managing a McDonalds.  "I was here first" makes 
you special.  Doesn't make you a bad person, just says you're human.
I support an earlier argument that if all clubs limited entries to verifiable 
history cars then the grids would transform this game to the realm of the 
"strickly uppa crust" and most of us wouldn't even be allowed to watch.
To my way of thinking, Vintage Racing is about racing cars of a particular 
VINTAGE because those are the cars we enjoy.  If I gave a Shit about whether 
a Honda could outrun a Toyota I'd be racing current models.
There are clubs in our country who cater to the appeal of a pedigree car but 
I trust they'll never welcome me and my 11 year old GT6 into their ranks.  
Good for them, I wish them success but I'm glad there are venues for everyone 
to find a niche.  
Now that the rant is over, anybody got an old Brabham for a Triumph?
Steve Smith, 67 GT6 built to a VINTAGE racer 11 years ago.  and having a 
helluva lotta fun with a helluva lotta nice people

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