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Re: Vintage race cars built today

Subject: Re: Vintage race cars built today
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 14:08:38 EDT
In a message dated 7/10/01 9:40:40 AM, writes:

<< It doesn't have to be a Roger Penske car or a works car or a famous winner.
There were lots and lots of club racers, that ran weekends, that are real
race cars.   And I doubt that buying an old MGB production car from the '60s
or '70s would break the bank any more than the one you built.

Go look at this one and tell me you built yours for less than a $1000. >>

    This does not appear to be a very good example.  The ad material seems to 
indicate that this car does NOT have any racing history.
    Furthermore, while someone might be able to find MGBs and Spridgets that 
do have race history, where would I find an available Honda S800 with period 
history at a reasonable price?  The race history requirement would wipe out 
the entire population of Honda S800s vintage racing in the U.S. (mine and one 
on the west coast that is being readied for vintage.)   I don't think it is 
good for vintage racing to eliminate rare and unusual production cars based 
on lack of period race history.

    Doug Meis
    '67 Honda S800

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