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Re: Triumphs and roll overs

To: "M&J ROSEN" <>, "Jim Hayes" <>
Subject: Re: Triumphs and roll overs
From: "Tom & Diane Kubler \(Kraftwerks\)" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 10:44:54 -0700
Mike's comment with regard to VARAC prompted me to wonder if a tread width
restriction could be of benefit.  Many of the racing tires of today have
considerably wider contact area than their bias ply predecessors; even bias
tires can be pushed wider with the improved side wall strength technology.
I know it's becoming harder and harder to find racing tires in some sizes,
so this might put a heavy burden on some classes.

Tom Kubler
San Antonio

----- Original Message -----
From: "M&J ROSEN" <>
To: "Jim Hayes" <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>;
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 2:54 AM
Subject: Re: Triumphs and roll overs

> Jim Hayes wrote:
> > Amen, brother!
> > Bring back the good old days when the drivers were fat and the tires
> > were skinny!
> > Jim
> > (Exactly the same weight as F. Gonzalez when he won Ferrari's first GP
> > victory!)
> >
> > wrote:
> > > We are stressing our cars way beyond their designs with new
> > > "sticky" tires and riding on "aged" parts.
> > > Sam Turner
> > > Small Bucks Racing
> > > Rochester, NY
> >
> > --
> > Jim Hayes                  Fotec/Cable U
> >
> >    
> > All generalizations, with the possible exception of this one, are false!
> It does bring up the issue of tire size/originality/legality etc.
> I've become a little less of a stickler for originality in the last few
> but... Since seeing the Flounder's RRB Sprite at Mosport and seeing the
> of Sprites etc. on Hoosiers which looks to be damn near a slick, I'm glad
> we, up here at VARAC mandate (at club events but not the Festival) that
> Sprites etc. use Dunlop L section bias ply racing tires or equivalent.
> At least the 4.5 tread width should tax the suspension less than most
> tires...there is a bunch of good reason for originality regulations - this
> be the single most important one... our own safety.
> Mike (proudly racing on L section Dunlops) Rosen

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