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Re: Triumphs and roll overs

Subject: Re: Triumphs and roll overs
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 23:35:40 EDT
I do not have "the answer" but your suggestion of a 240Z unit brings back 
memories of my ride into the Armco at Watkins Glen 3 years ago in my 280Z, 
when the right rear suspension broke in the fast left, going down into the 
boot-not a fun time. 
That was the end of that car, except for the right front fender which is 
hanging in Brock Yate's Cannonball Pub-with Glen blue stripe firmly imbedded.
The upright that broke was magnafluxed at the beginning of the season!!
We are stressing our cars way beyond their designs with new technologies, 
"sticky" tires and riding on "aged" parts.
Sam Turner
Small Bucks Racing
Rochester, NY

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