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Re: Fixing the system?

Subject: Re: Fixing the system?
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 15:00:44 EDT
In a message dated 5/26/00 2:10:22 PM, writes:

I would sincerely like to meet you; either on the track or off.

Unfortunately I didn't read the article that "seeded" these comments, but

being a Deputy Sheriff with a large agency (Reno, NV), I have dealt with

more unscrupulous, shady, cheating, dishonest, drug dealing (and using),

pieces of garbage that call themselves attorney's than I care to think


    I don't practice in Reno so I can't comment on the attorneys there.  I 
can't comment on your Sheriff's office either.  As a criminal defense 
attorney, I have seen law enforcement personnel do a variety of unscrupulous 
and dishonest things to get a conviction.  Our police force recently suffered 
the embarrassment of an officer who was convicted of selling drugs.  However, 
I recognize that these are the highly visible exceptions and that vast 
majority of law enforcement personnel are hard working, honest and principled 
people.  There are "bad apples" in any profession that sometimes give a lot 
of good people a bad name. 

There are 3 attorney's in this town that have my home phone, pager, email

and cell phone numbers, and that I'm available for at any time because they

are honest attorneys. If you fit into this group you have my undying respect

for you are indeed in a minority!

    While I believe you when you say you sincerely want to meet me, I don't 
quite believe that you really want to just shake my hand and say hello. 

<<The rest..... I just hope they are standing at the end of the straight the

day my brakes fail..... they'll do a much better job of cushioning my stop

than a stack of tires could ever do! (Soft flesh and hot air being better

than hard rubber!).>>

    I regret that you have had such a negative experience with attorneys that 
you feel a need to express (even jokingly) such violent and hate-filled 
    To prove my honesty, I hereby give my word to the list that I will not 
post another message that is not related to vintage racing.  If I fail to 
live up to this promise, call me a scumbag, lying lawyer.

    Doug Meis

    P.S.  The person that posted the original comment that got me started, 
apologized.  That takes guts and character and I respect that.

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