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Re: Winch cable support

Subject: Re: Winch cable support
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 14:44:19 -0700
You know what they say, if you have a wooden head, use a wooden helmet. ;=)

The only kind of wood I'd drag a steel cable across is Lignumvitae. They
used to use it for prop shaft bearings on steamships. It's the densest,
strongest wood on the market. It's also shock resistant, decay resistant
and naturally oily. Any normal wood you drag a steel cable across will
eventually splinter.

See: wrote:
> In a message dated 5/1/00 10:27:44 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> << you could use the stuff formula cars use
>  for skid plates. >>
> That would be the proven high-tech solution used by F1--  a piece of wood.
> Personally I think wood is much underrated and underutilized anymore as a
> motorsport material, especially in crash helmets.

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