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Re: Speed Differentials

To: Mark Palmer <>
Subject: Re: Speed Differentials
From: Derek Harling <>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 20:18:04 -0500
I wasn't going to post again - but I will . . . quickly.

You know those signs on highway rigs "If you can't see my mirrors - I can't see
you"?  Well its basically the same racing.  When I'm racing my Atlantic with
TransAm cars etc I get out to one side - in their mirror field of view - I make
sure they have every opportunity to see me before I think of passing - and I
don't even think of banzi passes down the inside of big cars - the lost prize
money wouldn't even replace one decal.

Regarding being visible - my spare nose is bright yellow [the car's dull red] -
I call it my enduro nose and I use it for mixed grid enduros.


Mark Palmer wrote:

> OK, I'll bite ... I race an MGA (roadster), and occasionaly run with F-Jrs
> and/or F-Vee.
> Had a WONDERFUL time with Grant Reynolds in a Vee at Summit last fall -- one
> of my most enjoyable, closest races ever.  As he drafted me down the
> straight, he got so close I couldn't even see him (and I have GREAT
> mirrors).
> THe point?  It was safe, and great fun, because we KNEW each other was
> there.  He knew what to expect of me (I don't block or change line
> mid-corner) and I knew what he was doing (beautifully executed drafting
> passes down the main straight).
> I agree that SOME cars don't mix well, but safety is primarily a DRIVER
> issue not an equipment issue.
> Regards,
> Mark Palmer
> >From:
> >Reply-To:
> >To:,
> >Subject: Re: Speed Differentials
> >Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 13:29:57 EST
> >
> >In a message dated 03/22/2000 9:58:36 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> > writes:
> >
> ><< Open wheel and closed wheel - dangerous? - why? Not as dangerous as
> >mixing
> >  open wheel and open wheel.
> >
> >  If you believe either of the above "truths" you're not thinking straight
> >-
> >  please don't race with me.
> >
> >  Derek
> >   >>
> >
> >
> >
> >It is has amazed me for years how some drivers and organizers support this
> >myth. Small open wheelers can race very well with small sports racers and
> >even the smaller production cars without problems. Car size and rearward
> >visibility is a bigger factor than any thing else. Trans-Am sedans and
> >formula cars don't work together, obviously.
> >
> >The consequences of two open wheelers hitting each other is usually worse
> >than if a formula car rubs a wheel against a door or fender.
> >
> >The trick is for all of the cars in a group to avoid hitting anyone else.
> >Then the issue is moot.
> >
> >Jack Woehrle

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