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RE: Masten Gregory's stunts

To: "''" <>,
Subject: RE: Masten Gregory's stunts
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 16:01:37 -0600
Karim wrote:

> Is it really true that Masten Gregory would jump out of his cars whenever
> lost control? 

It is indeed true.

>I keep reading these stories about him doing that, but I can't
> see how it's possible to jump out of a spinning car.

I don't know if there's film of Masten using the self-powered ejection seat,
but if you'd been watching SpeedVision last night you'd have seen several
similar exits. The film was of the Indy 500 races of the early seventies,
and there were shots of drivers hitting the wall, bailing out while the car
was still moving and climbing the chain link fence to avoid oncoming traffic
- all in one continuous movement; as well as film of drivers exiting the
cars at reduced speed because fire had broken out. Not a pretty sight

There are too many separate accounts of MG's exits to chalk it _all_ up to
rumor or exaggeration.

>Ironic that he'd die years later in a plane crash.

Thought it was a heart attack - maybe that's how these rumors get started.

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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