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Re: Simon and heated garage floors

Subject: Re: Simon and heated garage floors
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 18:22:36 EST
In a message dated 1/6/00 3:03:46 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<<  I don't EVER want to live
 someplace I have to have a heated garage floor... >>  We don't need no 
stinkin' heated floor in Indiana.  Real racers make do with a salamander 
during the  winter months.  (A salamander is a metal tub with a detachable 
lid and stack that holds about 20 gallons of kerosene; you light the kerosene 
and the entire surface ignites, and you quickly clap the lid back on.  The 
device makes an ominous noise as it turns nearly red hot and roasts 
everything in a six foot radius.  It is particularly entertaining if you slop 
any of the fuel on the sides while you are replenishing it, as the whole 
infernal machine will come ablaze when you relight it.  It is a good way to 
find out just how effective your garage extinguishers are.) 
That said, I now have a swell hanging propane furnace in my garage, and a 
carpeted floor.

Tom Butters
The Greens Fork Group
Creative Communications Services

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