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69 Trans Am Camaro

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: 69 Trans Am Camaro
From: FG99 <>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 17:21:03 EST
Looking for old photos of my 69 Camaro.  Originaly one of two car team of
Bruce Behrens Racing. Colors, red w/gold stripes.  Built by Vince Gimondo and
Gene Takish, of Orlando and Winters Park. Always ran SEDiv.  Changed colors to
black with silver scalops for 1970 Trans Am season, Daytona and Sebring.
National A/S and T/Aa # 17. 1970 Daytona, #96. 1970 Sebring, #40. Sold to
Gerald Lipke in late 1970 repainted dk blue.  Ran regionals and Runoffs.Sold
to Dr Ray Mummery in 1973, repainted red, white, blue, stars and stripes color
scheme. Again, car always in Orlando area.Run by Ralph Noseda, Ray
Mummery,Rich Smalls, Jeff Loving, throughout 70's & 80's.

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