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Re: SCCA Sears Point 97

Subject: Re: SCCA Sears Point 97
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 1997 14:08:41 -0400 (EDT)
In a message dated 97-10-03 13:55:03 EDT, you write:

<< Yes, I got Glenns letter with my confirmation.  I have several
 September event was added on short notice and was not a "Vintage" event in
total.  I
 understand it was just a run group added to a scheduled SCCA event.  It also
conflicted with
 a PCA(Porsche Club of America) National race at Las Vegas that I was
committed to.  Pending
 my experience at LS this coming week, I'd be interested in an SCCA summer
"vintage" event
 if it was indeed a "vintage" event.  I'm not interested in being in a run
group at an SCCA
 event that has "vintage" cars in it. Too little track time and I prefer to
run under vintage
 rules in total...and against cars that were built to a period spe >>

I agree completely, vintage racers want vintage only events and we will
support them if we get early notice of the dates and they are coordinated
with competing

I would rather have SCCA run two LS events and skip Sears. I can run Sears
with other groups but this is my only shot at LS. Also, LS events are hours
closer to VARA racers who also want a chance to run at a great track.

I realize the sound problem, but we all have to come to grips with the issue
and muffle our cars if we are to grow and race at different venues


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