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Re: SCCA Sears Point 97

Subject: Re: SCCA Sears Point 97
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Fri, 03 Oct 1997 10:56:21 PDT
Don, wasn't the vintage thing at Sears just a session tacked onto a
regular regional event at the last minute?  I didn't even hear about it
until it was basically too late.  I would like to see an event at Sears
in June or July next year.  I thnk the key is to give folks plenty of
notice on the event and to schedule around the other events on the
calendar.  That could be the hard part.  If the Wine Country Classic is
in May again next year, then June would be ok for an SCCA vintage at
Sears.  If the WCC goes back to June like in previous years then maybe
July would work.  I had a big hole in my schedule this summer.  Even tho
there are plenty of people who could care less for the Steve Earle
events (still out there, Myles?), his 2 big events ARE on the SCCA
calendar, and use the SCCA workers.

It would be unwise to schedule an event in conflict, or even close
proximity to either the WCC, or the Monterey Hysterics.  From talking to
Glenn last year, I get the impression that the region isn't too keen on
vintage events.  Getting a date is tough.

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