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Re: Cool-ant Questions

To: "Vintage Race List" <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Cool-ant Questions
From: Bill Kincaid <>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 97 10:31:23 -0700
>Measuring temps - I have always measured at the cylinder head, which makes
>sense if you want to know the hottest temp your water gets to.  But what
>about oil?  do you measure the oil temp as it exits the engine (ie. hottest)
>or as it enters the engine (ie. as it's about to do it's work in the
>bearings)?  I seem to recall a Smokey Yunick article that said measure it as
>it enters the block, but I've spoken to racers whose opinion I value that
>said the opposite.  I think that I'd rather know the temp as it goes into
>the engine from the tank...

Well, my Eagle FF has the water temp sensor in the header tank
and the oil temp sensor in the (bottom of the) oil tank.  I can't
offer any theoretical insights, but this arrangement seems to
work well and one assumes that Gurney's boys knew what they were

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