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Re: Cool-ant Questions

To: Jeff Young <jey@Adobe.COM>
Subject: Re: Cool-ant Questions
From: Susan <>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 17:20:25 -0500
Jeff Young wrote:
> Andy --
> The water pump pushes water into the engine at the pump (on the front of
> the block); the water exits at the elbow at the top, front of the head.
> The water exiting *should* go to the top of the radiator; the bottom of
> the radiator should feed the water pump.
> I believe you have #1 backwards.  Note: pushing the cold water into the
> hottest part of the engine (the head) would cause excessive thermal
> stress.  You want the water exiting the motor at the head, which is also
> where you want to measure the temp.
> -- Jeff.
> Andy Hiller wrote:
> >
> > I'd appreciate your help with a couple of cooling system questions
> > regarding my Formula Ford Xflow motor--
> >
> > 1.  Am I correct that the water pump feeds coolant INTO the lower
> > radiator hose and the coolant EXITS at the upper hose at the head?
> >
> > 2.  Assuming I don't have everything bass ackwards in #1, does the fact
> > that my temp gauge sensor is located in the themostat housing as the
> > fluid exits the head skew the reading compared to a sensor in the
> > radiator?  Seems to me the sensor measures the temp at it's hottest
> > point, as opposed to after it cools in the radiator.
> >
> > 3.  If I'm correct in #2, how much higher do you reckon the reading is
> > at the head than at the more normal sensor location in the radiator?
> >
> > Please advise.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Andy Hiller
> > Fort Collins, CO
> > '70 Winklemann WDF-2

A friend (and client) of mine has a patented reverse-flow cooling system
that works on any car, using 50/50 ethylene glycol/water or, preferably,
propylene glycol (nontoxic, safe, ok for race tracks). Indeed, the flow
is actually to the hottest part of the engine (the head(s) first, and
then down through the block. He has developed it for many years and it
is just now starting to be marketed. But it works!!! It is used and
proven in race cars and good for more HP and MPG. His company is Evans
Cooling Systems, Sharon, CT and he can be reached at 860-364-5130 (fax
860-364-0888). This is a shameless plug, but the technology is great and
he deserves it! I'm sure he can answer any questions you have. 

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