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Re: Race Liability Insurance

Subject: Re: Race Liability Insurance
From: (Gerald Brazil)
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 1996 17:44:30
Mal, there is a simple solution to your very legitimate concern.

Call up your engine builder and order that killer engine you have been 
thinking about. While you are at it have him make you a spare....just in 
case. Over the winter have the trans rebuilt and send the body to the best 
body shop you can find. Tell them you want their Pebble Beach Special. Don't 
forget a few sets of new wheels and a couple of sets of different compound 

Next season, go racing and have a good time. If you T bone some rich old 
fart, don't worry..... your net worth will be like the rest of us...negative 
and they won't waste their time in litigation.

Disclaimer.....this is not way legal advice. If you follow it and things turn 
to you know what, don't sue me because I just may follow my own advice. 
>Date:  Sat, 14 Sep 1996 20:38:05 -0700
>From:  Malcolm Cox <>
>Subject:       Re: Race Liability Insurance
>Here is the mad aunt in the cellar that nobody wants to talk about.
>While racing, I do something really dumb and finish up T-bone'ing a nice
> birdcage Maserati.
>In doing so, I DNF the unfortunate driver who happens to have been the
> very wealthy president of 
>VeryFast Airlines.  
>His family is not at all pleased with this result and sues me for
> everything I own.
>It seems that my normal homeowners policy does not cover this risk and my
> insurance company is 
>not interested in extending my cover for this (hopefully vanishingly
> small)risk.
>Several vintage race enthusiasts I have asked this question to have
> responded with a shudder and 
>admitted that neither they nor driver they know carries this insurance and
> that they (we) all 
>hope it can never happen.
>Is this a real risk, or do the usual "racing is dangerous"  disclaimers
> have any shielding value.
>If it is a real risk, is anyone aware of any insurance companies who are
> smart enough to 
>recognise it as a small, measurable risk and can therefore offer an
> inexpensive policy.
>Malcolm Cox, Napa, CA
>Vintage Race MGA #80, 1960

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