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Re: [TR] If you use Evapo-rust, I have a question

To: Undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Re: [TR] If you use Evapo-rust, I have a question
From: "Matt" <>
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2022 15:24:51 GMT
Full-name: "Matt" <>

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The mechs that work on the planes I fly liberally use isopropyl to rinse=
 off parts, surfaces and areas post maintenance.  They cite water displa=
cement, rapid drying, no residue as benefits.

---------- Original Message ----------
From: dave northrup <>
To: Triumphs <>
Subject: Re: [TR] If you use Evapo-rust, I have a question
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2022 19:53:18 +0000

+1 on the wiping off with alcohol

From: Triumphs <> On Behalf Of Cliff Hans=
 Sent: Thursday, April 7, 2022 1:56 PM
 To: Don Hiscock <>; Sujit Roy <triumphstag@gmail.c=
 Cc: Triumphs <>
 Subject: Re: [TR] If you use Evapo-rust, I have a question

After treatment with one of those rust converters, I have been rinsing w=
ith warm water and immediately putting the part in front of a halogen la=
mp to dry it. Wiping with alcohol is a good idea (thanks Frank!) If I un=
derstand correctly, many of the rust converters contains some organic so=
lvents which may not be removed with only a water wash, and alcohol woul=
d help with that. After the rinse I usually wipe with DX-330 (degreaser =
and wax remover) because I bought a gallon of it years ago.


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<div>The mechs that work on the planes I fly liberally use isopropyl to =
rinse off parts, surfaces and areas post maintenance.&nbsp; They cite wa=
ter displacement, rapid drying, no residue as benefits.</div>
<div><br><br>---------- Original Message ----------<br>From: dave northr=
up &lt;;<br>To: Triumphs &lt;
gt;<br>Subject: Re: [TR] If you use Evapo-rust, I have a question<br>Dat=
e: Thu, 7 Apr 2022 19:53:18 +0000<br><br></p>
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<p class=3D"MsoNormal">+1 on the wiping off with alcohol</p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>
<div style=3D"border: none; border-top: solid #E1E1E1 1.0pt; padding: 3.=
0pt 0in 0in 0in;">
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><strong>From:</strong> Triumphs &lt;triumphs-boun=; <strong>On Behalf Of </strong>Cliff Hansen<br> <s=
trong>Sent:</strong> Thursday, April 7, 2022 1:56 PM<br> <strong>To:</st=
rong> Don Hiscock &lt;;; Sujit Roy &lt;triumphst=;<br> <strong>Cc:</strong> Triumphs &lt;triumphs@autox.te=;<br> <strong>Subject:</strong> Re: [TR] If you use Evapo-rust,=
 I have a question</p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">After treatment with one of those rust converters=
, I have been rinsing with warm water and immediately putting the part i=
n front of a halogen lamp to dry it. Wiping with alcohol is a good idea =
(thanks Frank!) If I understand correctly, many of the rust converters c=
ontains some organic solvents which may not be removed with only a water=
 wash, and alcohol would help with that. After the rinse I usually wipe =
with DX-330 (degreaser and wax remover) because I bought a gallon of it =
years ago.</p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Cliff</p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>


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