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Re: [TR] TR2 to TR3 Transition Question

To: Jonas Payne <>
Subject: Re: [TR] TR2 to TR3 Transition Question
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 21:16:13 -0700 (PDT)
Importance: Medium
References: <000001d62b05$bfdcd580$3f968080$> <> <>, <> <>

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Well, as far as I know there were no scallops on the TR2 aprons.  I have a =
long door TR2 that has the original apron and I have seen one other like th=
is on a TR2.  All of the TR3 aprons that I have seen had the scallops and h=
oles for the grill and or the forward trim surround.  I have seen a TR2 for=
 sale that the seller said had all TR2 sheet metal, but the apron had the s=
callops as well as worms hanging on the back side of the apron where there =
was quite obviously a TR3 grill and trim fitting holes.  In this case, it w=
as absolutely a TR3 apron fitted to a TR2 long door.  However, was there a =
sharing of panels between model production overlap?  I could not say for su=
re...I just know it's true.  The forward grill of the TR3 makes sense to ha=
ve the scallops behind the grill.  TR2s deep set egg crate grill would not =
provide the necessary protection of objects entering the engine compartment=
, like perhaps a sparrow, through the open scallops.  I have a couple beat =
up old TR3 aprons and they all have the same scallops and holes.  No worms =
though, but that sparrow would have certainly been drawn to them. =20

> On May 15, 2020 at 7:33 PM Jonas Payne <>=
>     Based on the quality of the remainder of the car I seriously d oubt a=
 quality weld up.   LOL.  To confirm, no scallops on the TR2 inner shroud?
>     Get Outlook for Android
>     ---------------------------------------------
>     From: Dave <>
>     Sent: Friday, May 15, 2020 7:06:02 PM
>     To: Jonas Payne <>
>     Cc: <>; <t=>
>     Subject: Re: [TR] TR2 to TR3 Transition Question
>     =20
>     Yes, that's correct. There were two large openings on the top/sides o=
n a TR3 apron. If the filler was applied there could be worms, but that dep=
ends.  They could be carefully welded up.=20
>     DH
>     Sent from my iPad
>     On May 15, 2020, at 6:50 PM, Jonas Payne < jpayne@jpaynepbr.onmicroso= > wrote:
>         > >         There were scalloped cut outside top tight and left o=
n the apron.  Photos and a feel up and around indicate no filler.  Typicall=
y there is a worm or booger on a filled hole?  Rivets on the commission pla=
te didnt look right.  Could be a late TR2 with an early TR3 plate?
> >=20
> >         Get Outlook for Android
> >=20
> >=20
> >         ---------------------------------------------
> >         From: Dave < >
> >         Sent: Friday, May 15, 2020 6:31:23 PM
> >         To: <jpaynepbr@cox.n=
et >
> >         Cc: <tri= >
> >         Subject: Re: [TR] TR2 to TR3 Transition Question
> >         =20
> >         The TR3 apron would have extra openings at the top inside of th=
e opening for the grill for extra cooling to the engine compartment, where =
on the TR2 the opening was completely enclosed all the way to the egg crate=
 grill.  TR3s should have holes for the forward mounting grill.  I think th=
at some later TR2 aprons may have had trim partly, I think 3/4 surrounding =
the grill opening.  You may find evidence of these trim fitting holes fille=
d. =20
> >         Dave H.
> >=20
> >         Sent from my iPad
> >=20
> >         On May 15, 2020, at 3:11 PM, < mailto:jpaynep= > < > wrote:
> >=20
> >=20
> >             > > >=20
> > >             I looked at a =E2=80=9955 TR3 today with a pretty early c=
ommission number, 9046.
> > >=20
> > >             =20
> > >=20
> > >             Interestingly, the car had a TR2 nose and grill.
> > >=20
> > >             =20
> > >=20
> > >             I=E2=80=99m curious as to whether or not it is cobbled to=
gether or whether in typical Triumph fashion, they just kept using parts un=
til they ran out and then went with the new stuff.
> > >=20
> > >             =20
> > >=20
> > >             Any input would be appreciated.
> > >=20
> > >             =20
> > >=20
> > >             Thanks,
> > >=20
> > >             =20
> > >=20
> > >             Jonas
> > >=20
> > >             =20
> > >=20
> > >             =20
> > >=20
> > >         > >=20
> >             > > >             ** mailto:triumph= **
> > >=20
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> > >             Archive:   http://=
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  <meta charset=3D"UTF-8">=20
  <div style=3D"font-size: 12pt; font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif;=
 color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">
   Well, as far as I know there were no scallops on the TR2 aprons.&nbsp; I=
 have a long door TR2 that has the original apron and I have seen one other=
 like this on a TR2.&nbsp; All of the TR3 aprons that I have seen had the s=
callops and holes for the grill and or the forward trim surround.&nbsp; I h=
ave seen a TR2 for sale that the seller said had all TR2 sheet metal, but t=
he apron had the scallops as well as worms hanging on the back side of the =
apron where there was quite obviously a TR3 grill and trim fitting holes.&n=
bsp; In this case, it was absolutely a TR3 apron fitted to a TR2 long door.=
&nbsp; However, was there a sharing of panels between model production over=
lap?&nbsp; I could not say for sure...I just know it's true.&nbsp; The forw=
ard grill of the TR3 makes sense to have the scallops behind the grill.&nbs=
p; TR2s deep set egg crate grill would not provide the necessary protection=
 of objects entering the engine compartment, like perhaps a sparrow, throug=
h the open scallops.&nbsp; I have a couple beat up old TR3 aprons and they =
all have the same scallops and holes.&nbsp; No worms though, but that sparr=
ow would have certainly been drawn to them.&nbsp;&nbsp;
  <div style=3D"font-size: 12pt; font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif;=
 color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">
  <blockquote type=3D"cite">
   On May 15, 2020 at 7:33 PM Jonas Payne &lt;jpayne@jpaynepbr.onmicrosoft.=
com&gt; wrote:=20
   <div style=3D"direction: ltr; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: sans-s=
erif; font-size: 11pt; color: black;" dir=3D"auto">
    Based on the quality of the remainder of the car I seriously d=20
    <span id=3D"ox-c8c853460f-ms-outlook-android-cursor"></span>oubt a qual=
ity weld up.&nbsp;&nbsp; LOL.&nbsp; To confirm, no scallops on the TR2 inne=
r shroud?=20
   <div style=3D"direction: ltr; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: sans-s=
erif; font-size: 11pt; color: black;" dir=3D"auto">
    <div style=3D"direction: ltr; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: sans-=
serif; font-size: 11pt; color: black;" dir=3D"auto">
     <a href=3D"";>Outlook for Android</a>
   <hr style=3D"display: inline-block; width: 98%;">
   <div dir=3D"ltr" id=3D"ox-c8c853460f-divRplyFwdMsg">
    <span style=3D"font-size: 11pt; color: #000000; font-family: Calibri, s=
ans-serif;"><strong>From:</strong> Dave &lt;;<br> <st=
rong>Sent:</strong> Friday, May 15, 2020 7:06:02 PM<br> <strong>To:</strong=
> Jonas Payne &lt;;<br> <strong>Cc:</str=
ong> &lt;;; &=
lt;;<br> <strong>Subject:</strong> Re: [TR] TR2 t=
o TR3 Transition Question</span>
   <div dir=3D"auto">
     Yes, that's correct. There were two large openings on the top/sides on=
 a TR3 apron. If the filler was applied there could be worms, but that depe=
nds. &nbsp;They could be carefully welded up.&nbsp;
    <br> Sent from my iPad
     <br> On May 15, 2020, at 6:50 PM, Jonas Payne &lt;=20
     <a href=3D"";>jpayne@jpaynepbr.o=</a>&gt; wrote:=20
    <blockquote type=3D"cite">
      <div style=3D"direction: ltr; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: san=
s-serif; font-size: 11pt; color: black;" dir=3D"auto">
       There were scalloped cut outside top tight and left on the apron.&nb=
sp; Photos and a feel up and around indicate no filler.&nbsp; Typically the=
re is a worm or booger on a filled hole?&nbsp; Rivets on the commission pla=
te didnt look right.&nbsp; Could be a late TR2 with an early TR3 plate?=20
       <span id=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_ms-outlook-android-cursor"></span>=20
      <div style=3D"direction: ltr; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: san=
s-serif; font-size: 11pt; color: black;" dir=3D"auto">
       <div style=3D"direction: ltr; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: sa=
ns-serif; font-size: 11pt; color: black;" dir=3D"auto">
        <a href=3D"";>Outlook for Android</a>
      <hr style=3D"display: inline-block; width: 98%;">
      <div dir=3D"ltr" id=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_divRplyFwdMsg">
       <span style=3D"font-size: 11pt; color: #000000; font-family: Calibri=
, sans-serif;"><strong>From:</strong> Dave &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:dlhogye@co="></a>&gt;<br> <strong>Sent:</strong> Friday, M=
ay 15, 2020 6:31:23 PM<br> <strong>To:</strong> <a href=3D"mailto:jpaynepbr="></a> &lt;<a href=3D"";>jp=</a>&gt;<br> <strong>Cc:</strong> <a href=3D"mailto:triumphs="></a> &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:triumphs="></a>&gt;<br> <strong>Subject:</stro=
ng> Re: [TR] TR2 to TR3 Transition Question</span>
      <div dir=3D"auto">
        The TR3 apron would have extra openings at the top inside of the op=
ening for the grill for extra cooling to the engine compartment, where on t=
he TR2 the opening was completely enclosed all the way to the egg crate gri=
ll. &nbsp;TR3s should have holes for the forward mounting grill. &nbsp;I th=
ink that some later TR2 aprons may have had trim partly, I think 3/4 surrou=
nding the grill opening. &nbsp;You may find evidence of these trim fitting =
holes filled. &nbsp;
       </div>Dave H.=20
       <br> Sent from my iPad
        <br> On May 15, 2020, at 3:11 PM, &lt;=20
        <a href=3D"";></a>&gt; &lt;=
        <a href=3D"";></a>&gt; wrot=
       <blockquote type=3D"cite">
         <div class=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_x_WordSection1">
          <p class=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_x_MsoNormal">I looked at a =E2=80=995=
5 TR3 today with a pretty early commission number, 9046.</p>
          <p class=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_x_MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>
          <p class=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_x_MsoNormal">Interestingly, the car h=
ad a TR2 nose and grill.</p>
          <p class=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_x_MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>
          <p class=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_x_MsoNormal">I=E2=80=99m curious as t=
o whether or not it is cobbled together or whether in typical Triumph fashi=
on, they just kept using parts until they ran out and then went with the ne=
w stuff.</p>
          <p class=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_x_MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>
          <p class=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_x_MsoNormal">Any input would be appre=
          <p class=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_x_MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>
          <p class=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_x_MsoNormal">Thanks,</p>
          <p class=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_x_MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>
          <p class=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_x_MsoNormal">Jonas</p>
          <p class=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_x_MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>
          <p class=3D"ox-c8c853460f-x_x_MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>
       <blockquote type=3D"cite">
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