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Re: [TR] solenoid or starter?

To: "'triumphs'" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] solenoid or starter?
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 15:06:45 -0800
> Is there historical precedent (well, we are in 
> the midst of a pecedential campaign, are we not?) for 
> starters getting weaker?  Or solenoid terminals to crude up 
> such that it still closes and the starter still turns but 
> just has too much resistance?

Unfortunately yes, on both counts.  And telling the difference for certain
can be tricky without the ability to measure how much current the starter is
drawing.  But as noted, usually the problem becomes very obvious once you
disassemble the starter and examine it.

I would start by cranking for a bit then immediately feeling along the
battery cables, plus the solenoid and cable from solenoid to starter (if
separate on a Spit).  If you don't find an obvious hot spot (indicating a
high resistance at that point), then pull and disassemble the starter.

Last time I went through this on the TR3A, it turned out that one of the
brush leads inside the starter had gotten loose and was being cut through by
the armature.  More recently, a Stag starter proved to have a segment
missing from the commutator and a broken brush lead.  Both would still kind
of turn the engine, but sucked way more current than they should and turned
very slowly.  You can also get similar symptoms from a worn bearing that
allows the armature to drag on the pole pieces (so look for signs of


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