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RE: [TR] TR3A distributor help needed

To: <>
Subject: RE: [TR] TR3A distributor help needed
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 08:29:58 -0800
> I just took a minute and checked this out.  Key on, points closed, no
> voltage at the neg terminal on the coil.  I am testing terminal to  ground.
> (reminder, this is a neg ground car).  12v at the pos  terminal.
> I have put in a known good coil and got the same results as previous (not
> the test you just described, but the same results as my previous email).  ??

Ok, using the additional information, I just re-read your original post.  The
advice you copied was simply wrong ... the two wire connections go UNDER the top
insulator, meaning they are connected directly to the points spring and not to
the post & nut.  The insulator is shaped like a top hat, be sure the crown of
the hat fits down into the loop of the spring.

Not that I've ever made that mistake, oh no, not me <VBG>


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