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Re: [TR] TR3A distributor help needed

Subject: Re: [TR] TR3A distributor help needed
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 19:00:02 EST
<<Make sure you have the wire that connects to the points on top of  the 
insulator.  It sounds like you have the hot wire and/or the  condenser wire 
under the nylon insulator which is  grounded.>>

The wires are insulated from the spring and therefore 1/2 the contact  points 
as it is supposed to be.  This is what is so puzzling.  If I  test continuity 
with my VOM by placing one probe on the white wire/condensor  wire and the 
other on the spring I only get connection when the points are  closed.  If I 
push the points open with the probe the connection is broken,  which is what is 
supposed to happen.  When I go out to the end of the wire  where it connects to 
the coil and connect that wire to one VOM probe and  the other probe to 
ground, when I crank the engine the ohmmeter should bounce  back and forth as 
points open and close, which is what I simulated by the  exercise described 
previously.  It doesn't happen.  The ohmmeter stays  pegged. There is a short 
somewhere but I cannot find it.  Everything  appears normal when I test 
continuity but not when I crank the engine.   There is not that much in there 
to be 
this complicated, but still. .  .

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