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Re: Click Adjust

To: TR <>
Subject: Re: Click Adjust
From: Geo Hahn <>
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2005 11:56:35 -0700
Bill & Skip Pugh wrote:

> I  must confess that I  bought a Click Adjust from Moss, and I can't 
> make  the  darn thing  work ... however  ... I have  never really been 
> able to figure out  how to adjust valve clearances even using a feeler 
> gauge ...  yeah I know I must be stupid.  I  would love to find a 
> school ... or whatever that could give me hands on experience doing 
> this  sort of thing. I have  managed to install the HDVA tranny in the 
> TR3, replace the  driveshaft and replace the  pinon oil seal in the  
> TR6  so I  am not a  total goof working  on cars, but  I just can not 
> "get it"  in adjust in  valves ...
> ANY ideas  gratefully accepted  ... 

Our local club had a tech session on this (both methods).  
Well-attended, surprisingly (or maybe not) quite a few were not versed 
in this routine and necessary procedure.  You might suggest it at your 
local club.

Geo Hahn

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