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Attitude (was : Compression test how to, no remaining LBC

To: "'triumphs'" <>
Subject: Attitude (was : Compression test how to, no remaining LBC
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 12:14:34 -0700
Joe Curry wrote :

> But it's OK, I won't be bothering anyone anymore.

Well, Joe, I am sorry you feel that way.  I know you have been a Triumph
enthusiast for many years, plus a very serious competitor on the race track,
and I value your experiences and opinions even when I don't agree with them.

I'm always willing to discuss technical issues on technical merits.  I know
I'm wrong sometimes and I welcome anyone who cares to explain why.  But, ad
hominem arguments accomplish nothing.  Now it seems you would rather take
your marbles and go home than explain your reasoning.

When you do "get home", perhaps you should consider if just maybe this has
anything to do with why you feel you don't get any respect.

And, as they say, don't let the door hit you ...


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