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RE: if the TR3 were made today

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: RE: if the TR3 were made today
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 13:32:03 -0700
>  For years
> Morgan got around the EPA regs on the Rover/Buick V8 by selling in only in
> propane form although I'm not sure why that met the gods at EPA.

I'm not sure there's any real scientific reason behind it at this point (the
folks at our EPA seem to think that science stuff is all hooey anyway) ...
but propane power is still exempt from most emissions regulations because
it's a "Clean Air fuel".  Dramatically less SO2 and CO (you can literally
breathe propane exhaust as long as it's mixed with a little fresh oxygen),
and ISTR significantly less HC than at least an unmanaged gasoline engine.
I think propane's record on NOx isn't as good and CO2 is only marginally
better than gasoline ... but IMO the evidence is not at all clear on just
how harmful those "pollutants" are.

But it looks like another El Nino summer, so I'm sure everyone will be up in
arms about global warming ...


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