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RE: if the TR3 were made today

To: "'Randall Young'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: if the TR3 were made today
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 21:06:52 +0100
Thread-index: AcRJkCp6I9i2VqNsS5u3EwYGWClClgAFQrTQ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Randall Young
> But I was really talking about "as new" ... and TR3s don't command
> anywhere
> near the prices Morgans do, at least in the US.

Hi Randall,
They have the same kind of market standing here in the UK.

> > I suppose if we were to really consider what a modernised (and thus
> > emasculated) TR3 would be like, I keep thinking MX5 (Miata).......
> In all honesty, I consider the MX5/Miata a worthy successor to the TR3,
> given the safety and emission constraints of today.  I'll never own one
> myself, but I've ridden with a friend ... 

I'm with you on this. At the time the MX5 was launched in the UK (well
behind the US) in the late 1980s, it was the first low priced open 2 seat
sportscar to be marketed here for about a decade. It proved to other
manufacturers that this was indeed a viable market sector. I have no axe to
grind with the MX5 - until it arrived a whole generation had grown up
thinking that a slightly warmed up hatchback was a sportscar,

       .......just what you've been looking for

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