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Re: if the TR3 were made today

To: "Triumphs list" <>, "Jesse Bregman" <>
Subject: Re: if the TR3 were made today
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 12:14:12 -0400
References: <>
I've always said that if Triumphs were being made today, I'd like to think
they'd be alot like my 2000Honda S2000. Push button starting, plastic window
in the top, hardtop available, and no clock. Also, alot of fun to drive.
61 TR3A since 1972
62 TR4 since 1993
73 Stag since 2003
2000 S2000 since new,

----- Original Message ----- 
From "Jesse Bregman" <jbregman at>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 11:13 AM
Subject: re: if the TR3 were made today

> Well, I just read that Pontiac will be releasing a new sports car in 2
> years, and they are spending a lot of time driving TR3s, TR4s and lotus
> elans from the same period to try to capture the classic sports car
> feel.  Not exactly a modern TR3, but it should be interesting to see
> how close they get.
> -

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