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RE: First TR3a ride of the season, hmmm...

To: "'Terry Smith'" <>, "'Triumphs'" <>
Subject: RE: First TR3a ride of the season, hmmm...
From: "David Templeton" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 12:26:41 -0400
Organization: Open Text Corporation
Thread-index: AcQqR7iFCp0MQyXCQKu0bZi8IjAwtADvuPkQ
> Dave, did you swap out the old winter gas for fresh?  Any chance got some
> water in there?  Sometimes too it's a good idea to periodically fish a
> magnet into your fuel tank just to see what it comes up with.
[David Templeton] Terry, thanks for the suggestion, yeap the gas is gone, it
also had stabilizer in it like all of the gas engines.  But it is gone and
we are on the new tank of gas.


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