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RE: piston & liner (update)

To: <>
Subject: RE: piston & liner (update)
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 16:38:27 -0700
>       It was...a cracked head!!  ARRRRGGGGHHHH...magnaflux showed
> deep crack between intake and exhaust valve on cylinder #4, extended
> from bottom of head up through the exhaust valve  seat...

Bill, the part that puzzles me is that, if the crack was big enough to leak
that much, it should have been clearly visible without magnafluxing.
Certainly if it were leaking at the exhaust valve, you would see a gouge at
the seat like a cutting torch had been used on it.  And unless it was
leaking combustion gases out of the combustion chamber (which do bear a
strong resemblance to a cutting torch) ... it could not affect the

I believe cracks are actually fairly common in TRactor motor heads, it's
just that the majority of them go undetected.  ISTR someone reported a few
years back that they had bought 6 heads "removed from running engines" and
found cracks in 5 of them ...

Anyway, good luck with your new one.


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