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Re: Sealing Oil Leaks

Subject: Re: Sealing Oil Leaks
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 11:35:40 EDT
Thanks for the guidance on this, Randall.  Just a few more Qs:

1.    After removing the front sealing block, I found that, instead of cork 
gaskets, the ends of the block had been filled with silicone sealant.

The cork gaskets that arrived with my sump gasket are a bit larger than the 
"T" area in which they are to fit.  Should I squeeze them in there, or trim the 
cork to fit snugly in that space?

Also, should Permatex be applied to the cork gasket, or should it be 
installed dry?

2.    The front plate gasket did not tear upon removal of the front sealing 
block.  I'll add some Permatex to the interface between the sealing block and 
front plate gasket.  Sound good?

3.    From what I can see, the rear seal is filled with the same silicone 
sealant rather than felt strips.  Given that I have significant oil leaking 
somewhere, and given that I have about 7K on the rebuilt engine (done by the 
PO), would you recommend I pull the main cap, clean it out and install the felt 

If the answer is yes, will the reinstallation of the main cap be 
straightforward, or are there tolerances to be measured and maintained?

Many thanks for the help on this!

Bill Stagg
1960 TR3A

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