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* Remove a Fan? *

To: "Triumphs" <>
Subject: * Remove a Fan? *
From: "Wayne" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 17:10:28 -0500
Hi Ladies and Gents,
Some of you know that I recently acquired a 1958 TR3.  As part of my
"familiarization" with the car I'm installing the British Auto Restoration
(BAR) rack and pinion kit.  I've been taking digital pictures so I'll be
able to fully document everything on my website when done.

Here's the question:

The BAR kit comes with a thermostat activated Flexolite fan that is to be
mounted at the top rear of the radiator for best effect.  The rack and
pinion kit requires that the mechanical fan be removed.  My car has an
electric manually operated backup fan at the top front of the radiator.
 So - should I remove the front fan, or keep it?

The front fan is attached with brackets welded to the radiator.
Even though there is presumably an airflow penalty with the front fan when it
at idle - would it be beneficial to have it working in tandem with the rear

I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Plainfield, IL

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